"The Russian Model of Management and the Problem of Labor Productivity: A Philosophical Analysis
Russia, management, productivity, factors, phenomenology, being, time, history, theAbstract
Based on the developments of the economist A. Prokhorov formulated empirical patterns characterizing the features of the "Russian model of management": the pattern of cluster/clan nature of the typical Russian organization, poorly managed at the grassroots level and the pattern of the cycle of alternating "stagnant" and "mobilization" phases of development. It is shown that these regularities, on the one hand, do not contribute to an increase in labor productivity in Russian enterprises, however, on the other hand, allow the economy as a whole to function as quite productive. Further, this empirical material is subjected to Dasein-analysis by investigating the specificity of Russian being and time. The main structures of Russian here-being are revealed: "avos"-being and carelessness. Russian being appears to be on the other side of the traditional European opposition of existence and non-existence, thinking and madness, fear and fearlessness, death and immortality. It is shown that Russian existence is ontologically ambivalent. Also marked is the difference in understanding of the nature of time in European and Russian thinking, expressed in the figures of line and circle respectively. The main modus of thinking for a European is the future, which defines his active work on changing the reality, while for a Russian it is the past that is "stuck" in the present and doesn't let the future come true. From the point of view of the phenomenological model, this is what determines the cyclical nature of the time of Russian existence. The phenomenon of the "Russian miracle" corresponding to Prokhorov's "mobilization phase" is interpreted as an ontologically inconsistent and therefore always short-lived attempt to "liberate" time and go beyond everyday life by taking responsibility for one's own existence. The possibilities of transforming the traditional "Russian model of governance" to increase its productivity are analyzed.References
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