The Audiovisual Environment of Southern Russian Cities through the Eyes of Citizens: Education as a Social Framework for Constructing Space



  • Tatyana S. Kienko Southern Federal University, 344065, Rostov-on-Don, per. Dneprovsky Lane, 116



city, audiovisual urban space, level of education of citizens, social construction of space


Audiovisual environment of the modern city is understood as a socio-cultural space in which the system of norms, values, social and stratification differences largely determines what the citizens notice in the surrounding space. Actual status formalizes the socially set angle, point of view, setting the commonality of reading and interpretation of space, the allocation of "places of memory" and leisure, priorities of improvement. The components of the status, guiding the assessment of urban space, can include the level of education of citizens. The purpose of this article is to present the data of empirical research on the assessments of audiovisual space of South Russian cities by citizens with different levels of education. The research methodology is based on the principles of social stratification approach, social constructivism, sociology of space, spatial syntax methodology. In the course of the study the peculiarities of respondents with higher, specialized secondary, general secondary and incomplete education attitude to urban spaces were highlighted, which can be used in the practice of urban planning. Education can be considered as one of the social frameworks that set directions and ways of constructing, evaluating and interpreting urban space by social subjects, but its influence is ambiguous, mediated by other variables, it acts as a social and cultural resource of a citizen. A high level of education is associated with satisfaction with space, a higher social and territorial identity; a low level of education narrows opportunities for realization, development, career and life opportunities. The theoretical and empirical search for other social frameworks of citizens' construction of audiovisual urban space, further study of the issue, including the research materials in other regions, seems promising.

Author Biography

Tatyana S. Kienko, Southern Federal University, 344065, Rostov-on-Don, per. Dneprovsky Lane, 116

D. in Sociology,Associate Professor, Department of Social Technologies


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