Territorial socio-economic behavior in line with the problem of interaction between society and physical space
region, territory, physical space, social space, territorial identity, territorial interests, territorial consciousness, territorial socio-economic behaviorAbstract
The essence of the main approaches to the definition of territorial socio-economic behavior in the framework of sociology of region and sociology of space is considered. The term "region" in this article is proposed to understand an area, district, part of the country, which differs from others by a set of natural or historically developed economic-geographical or other features, often combined with the features of the national composition of the population. The definition of space as a unity of physical, spiritual and social is given, special attention is paid to the problem of the ratio of the quality of social space and territorial space, which is becoming increasingly important in connection with the expansion of global space as a place of action of global processes. The significance of this problem in the study of the peculiarities of territorial socio-economic behavior, associated with the undoubted dominance of formal (technological) rationality in the structure of behavior of economic actors, is emphasized. The features of the formation of socio-economic behavior of economic actors, taking into account the characteristic features of the space of the territory, are considered. It is argued that the phenomenon of territorial socio-economic behavior of various socio-territorial (regional) communities changes within quite certain formats: "conservative, adaptive, innovative", "cultural-rooted, cultural-mobile", "rational choice and collective interest", in general ensuring sustainable reproduction of socio-territorial inequality in society. The study of changing and reproducible patterns of territorial socio-economic behavior will give priority in the choice of principles of regional management and development, will allow to get a more accurate picture of the causes of the current socio-economic state of a particular regional community in the future.References
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