The Work Man in the Classical Sociology of Organizational Management: Frederick Taylor and Elton Mayo
Sociology of organizational management, principles of management, image of the man of labor, technocratic utopia, human relations doctrine, labor motivationAbstract
The purpose of this article is to summarize, systematize and clarify the basic concepts of the sociology of organizational management, representing the image of the man of labor based on a comparative analysis of the two most famous scientists of the classical period of management theory: Frederick Winslow Taylor and George Elton Mayo. The axiological and methodological bases for the difference of their theories are analyzed. Taylor describes the man of labor as a one-dimensional object, motivated only by material gain or fear of losing his job. This leads to constant conflicts between workers and administration, which require the efforts of specially trained professionals to develop and implement rational methods of scientific organization of labor. In his choice of priorities for the production process Taylor gives explicit preference to technique and technology, trying to adapt the abilities and capabilities of the individual worker to them. This allows us to interpret his theory as a technocratic utopia. Mayo represents the man of labor as a full partner of the administration in achieving the overall goals of the organization, as a multifaceted person, motivated to work by a variety of motives, mainly social and psychological in nature. The main priority of the administration in the theory of Mayo - comprehensive development of social skills cooperation; achievement of this goal contributes not only to the success and prosperity of the organization, but also to reduce social tensions in society as a whole. The comparative analysis carried out in the article allowed us to conclude that both management doctrines are being developed in parallel in modern management theory and practice. The sociology of organizational management is called to make and justify the choice of priorities between Taylor's technocratic utopia and Mayo's humanistic concept.References
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