Biopolitics and Biopolitical Economy: Essence of the Concepts
biopolitics, biopower, biopolitical economics, bioeconomics, biocapitalism, soft power, medicine, medicalization, management, planningAbstract
The article is devoted to the phenomenon of biopolitics. It attempts to clarify the production and economic foundations of biopolitics (in particular, it introduces and explores the concept of "biopolitical economy"). On the other hand, a distinction is made between biopolitics and biopower. Biopower is a relatively new kind of power, which extends to the vital foundations of human life and society. Biopower is a bright variety of "soft power," which does not involve direct control and exploitation, but acts indirectly: for example, through the artificial construction and imposition of new needs, the promotion of new types of goods and services. One of the indirect agents of bipower is medicine, which as a result of the process of the intensive medicalization of society has begun to include a growing number of life situations and problems within its jurisdiction. Despite its "softness," bipower does not cease to be power, as the asymmetry between its subjects and objects persists. The political economy approach is promising in the analysis of bipower, as the latter has economic roots and, in fact, emerges as an extension of capital's power, a consequence of its expansion into new areas in order to find sources of profit. Thus, some theorists write about "biocaptiality" as a new form of the latter. At the same time, there is a new global trend in modern society, which is associated with an increasing resort to horizontal modes of social interaction. Many of them are based on the network principle and assume wide autonomy, communicative and cooperative equality of its subjects. As a consequence of this transformation, the power asymmetry is gradually "smoothed out". In this context, it is promising to consider biopolitics not as a mere expression of bipower, but as a potentially qualitatively new way of interaction between people, social groups and institutions regarding the biological aspects of their existence, up to the possibility of their intelligent management. The latter should not be understood as direct control, but as prediction and planning for the optimal functioning and development of human biology.References
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