Self-development orientation as a predictor of psycho-emotional well-being of adolescents and adults
psycho-emotional well-being, psychological well-being, self-development, personal growth, life satisfaction, adolescents, adulthoodAbstract
The article examines the role of self-developmental orientation for the psycho-emotional well-being of older adolescents (N = 146) and adults (N = 160). Two integrative indicators of harmony/dysharmony of self-developmental orientation were proposed: the ratio of importance and achievement (realization) of personal growth and the ratio of importance (external motivation) and interestingness (internal motivation) of self-development in life spheres. It was revealed that the psycho-emotional well-being of adolescents is hedonic, while adults are eudemonic. Regarding the orientation towards self-development in general, adolescents and adults similarly assess the degree of importance and realization of personal growth, in both groups the level of importance is higher than the level of achievement, which indicates the aspiration for further self-improvement. Adults, in comparison with adolescents, have a significantly higher understanding of the importance of self-development in different spheres of life, as well as an interest in it. For the psycho-emotional well-being of adolescents the most favorable is a harmonious ratio of interest and recognition of the importance of self-development, as well as understanding of the importance and achievements in the sphere of personal growth, while for the psycho-emotional well-being of adults the greater significance is the performance in the sphere of personal growth and own interest in self-development. In the adult period, indicators of self-development orientation more often act as predictors of psycho-emotional well-being and have greater explanatory power than in the adolescent period. For adults, the strongest predictors of psycho-emotional well-being are assessment of own personal growth achievements and intrinsic self-development motivation (interest in self-development), whereas for teenagers it is recognition of the importance of personal growth as a reference point.References
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