Intersubjective aspects of the social communication process in Plekhanov's Marxist analysis



  • Vera A. Zhilina Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University, 38, Lenin av., Magnitogorsk, 455000, Russia
  • Denis V. Granin Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University, 38, Lenin av., Magnitogorsk, 455000, Russia



society, Marxism, social subject, social communications, principle of materialistic understanding of history


The article deals with the correlation of transformations of social processes and their reflection in the social theory of philosophy. Comparative analysis of the classical form of Marxism and the concept of G.V. Plekhanov as a representative of ‘Russian’ Marxism reveals differences in the interpretation of the main methodological principle — the principle of materialistic understanding of history. According to the research hypothesis, there are existential characteristics found in G.V. Plekhanov’s Marxism in the interpretation of the essence of social subject. The paper reveals the intersubjective nature of social subject, which is considered in the concept of G.V. Plekhanov as the main driving force in history. It is shown that «Russian» Marxism is always demarcated from the position of economic determinism. In this context, an attempt is made to minimize the risk of social analysis losing its effectiveness in the existing philosophical directions of thought. The paper proves the leading role of the principle of materialistic understanding of history in modern social analysis. The analysis of modern social relations allows us to note high relevance of studying the essence of social subject. The author emphasizes the contradictory nature of human inclusion in society, which, in the context of the difficult geopolitical situation in the world and globalization of communication flows, acquires the status of a problem of individual peoples’ culture security. In this context, the importance of analyzing the existential characteristics of social subject is noted. The main characteristics of the productive forces of society as a source of social stability are formulated in order to minimize the risk of massization of social subject. The research results can be applied both in the subsequent analysis of the specifics of Russian philosophical thought and in the theoretical consideration of the social relations dynamics and the logic of history.

Author Biographies

Vera A. Zhilina, Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University, 38, Lenin av., Magnitogorsk, 455000, Russia

Doctor of Philosophy, Docent,Head of the Department of Philosophy

Denis V. Granin, Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University, 38, Lenin av., Magnitogorsk, 455000, Russia

Ph.D. Student of the Department of Philosophy


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