Definitions of scientific and semiscientific concepts in philosophy through the example of the «innateness» concept



  • Ilya Yu. Bulov Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences, 12/1, Goncharnaya st. Moscow, 109240, Russia



definition, concept, ameliorative analysis, explicative definition, innateness


In this article, the author tries to find the best strategy of defining scientific and semiscientific concepts in philosophy. In the first part of the article, the main types of definitions are analyzed. The author dived into the details of each of them and found explicative and ameliorative definitions to be best suited for scientific and semiscientific concepts. The ameliorative method, however, appears to be slightly more preferable because it provides us with more theoretical tools for philosophical analysis. The second part of the article demonstrates the advantages of the ameliorative method using the «innateness» concept as an example. The author has chosen «innateness» because it has plenty of various definitions in science and philosophy today. If such a complex case can be solved with the ameliorative method, then we may conclude that this method is productive. The author found the ameliorative analysis of «innateness» to be a rather fruitful method of work with the mentioned concept. Therefore, the ameliorative approach to formulating definitions is concluded to be the most appropriate for philosophers and scholars when working with scientific and semiscientific concepts.

Author Biography

Ilya Yu. Bulov, Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences, 12/1, Goncharnaya st. Moscow, 109240, Russia

Ph.D. Student


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