Dialectics of the formation and development of the human personality’s spatiotemporal structure. The initial becoming of the personal world in-self and its introduction to the social sphere for-other
chronotopos, space, time, locus, personality, human, cultureAbstract
The article deals with the process of formation and evolution of the chronotopological organization of human existence in the aspect of the personal world formation. The theoretical and methodological foundation of the study is formed by the integration of approaches applied in the social sciences and humanities. These approaches include: the program of cultural centrism aimed at understanding the unique essence of the subject of social and humanities knowledge; a dialectical model, according to which being is not an abstract object but a becoming process; an organicist concept, which asserts a deeply structured natural interconnectedness of being; a relational understanding of the essence of time and space, in the context of which they are considered in inseparable unity with being; a chronotopological concept, substantiated from a philosophical point of view through the prism of the spatiotemporal continuum as presented in the theory of relativity and quantum mechanics. As a result of the study, a philosophical dialectical model of the personal chronotopology evolution was obtained, characterized by a complex organization and interconnectedness of elements that determine its formation and lead to its becoming as a functioning level of human chronotopology. In the formation of the personal world, three elements organizing this process have been identified. They are chronotopological dialectical principles (in-self, for-other, for-self), chronotopological modes (specific methods of the formation and state of space and time), chronotopological integrals (a certain level or form of the chronotopological structure as reached in the process of becoming). The implementation of the in-self and for-other principles is expressed by the action of four modes: near and surrounding space, linear and loop time. They lead to the initial formation and subsequent evolution of the personal spatiotemporal structure.References
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