Two-dimensional classification of psychological defense mechanisms



  • Elena R. Pilyugina Kazan Innovative University named after V.G. Timiryasov, 42, Moscowskaya st., Kazan, 420111, Russia



psychological defense, defense mechanisms, classification of defense mechanisms, glossary of defense


The paper proposes the author’s classification of psychological defense mechanisms, consisting of 20 mechanisms and representing a two-dimensional model. The idea of this model is that these mechanisms have a cross-relationship between 4 levels of the hierarchy (psychotic, infantile, neurotic, and adaptive groups) and 5 types of overcoming frustration which are the basis for the formation and functioning of the defense mechanism. The novelty of the article is the idea that each of the 20 defense mechanisms belongs to one of the 5 types of overcoming frustration — distracting type (mechanisms of regression, action out, compensation, sublimation), «guilty» type (mechanisms of hypochondria, passive-aggressive behavior, reactive formation, altruism), avoiding type (mechanisms of repression, denial, avoidance, suppression), rationalizing type (mechanisms of dissociation, displacement/transfer, rationalization, humor), controlling type (mechanisms of isolation, projection, omnipotence, anticipation). The paper provides description of the defense mechanisms, examples of their manifestation, and possible reasons for their formation. The substantiation of the defense mechanisms’ belonging to the particular groups and types of classification is given. The classification is proposed as a convenient diagnostic tool for counseling psychologists, because it has an optimal number of defense mechanisms, fairly clear criteria for their determination, their location in the structure of psychological defense and the basis for their functioning. The article also provides an overview of current classifications of defense mechanisms and voices problems related to the identification and streamlining of defense mechanisms. These problems are the subtlety of semantic difference and blurring of borders between defense mechanisms, different interpretations in terminology due to difficulties in translation from foreign languages, differences in approaches to hierarchy of defense mechanisms.

Author Biography

Elena R. Pilyugina, Kazan Innovative University named after V.G. Timiryasov, 42, Moscowskaya st., Kazan, 420111, Russia

Ph.D. Student of the Departmentof Developmental Psychology and Psychophysiology


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