Martin Buber: problem-historical understanding of man
Philosophy "The Future of the History of Philosophy" (Thematic issue)
the problem of man, history of philosophy, dialogical principle, communication, HasidismAbstract
The philosophy of Martin Buber, a prominent representative of existentialism, is an anthropological project of understanding the crisis experience of man and society in the 20th century. The evolution of the dialogic idea in the direction of philosophical anthropology is caused by a new vision of historical perception of the problem of man. Moreover, social and personality-oriented motives were decisive in this process. The path of the problem, from Kant to the present, corresponded to what might be called a situation of reassessment of traditional European values. Buber searches for new spiritual foundations and worldview reference points. He researches the history of human thought and distinguishes between periods of «settledness», when man exists in a stable world, and periods of «homelessness», when man becomes aware of the homelessness of this world and there takes place his problematization, he becomes a problem for himself. The anthropological perspective is either embedded in cosmological, theological or logological constructions and loses its uniqueness, or acquires a real problematic nature and depth beyond all concepts and schemes. The dialogic perception of philosophical anthropology is organically complemented and supported by poetic practices of deep spiritual stories (Hasidism). The author suggests that, due to its complexity, contemporary social reality opens up new possibilities and clarifies the need for dialogue. Thus, study of M. Buber’s works by historians of philosophy is essential for an adequate understanding of the present and future of man and humanity.References
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