Subjective well-being in the digital world (Based on the materials of the International online conference «The topical issues of applied psychology in the current social and cultural context»)

Reviews and Reviews


  • Oksana V. Kozhevnikova Udmurt State University, 1, Universitetskaya str., Izhevsk, 426034, Russia
  • Vera Yu. Khotinets Udmurt State University, 1, Universitetskaya str., Izhevsk, 426034, Russia



digital world, digital technologies, on-line education, mental self-regulation, subjective well-being


The paper describes the main results of the intense discussion of current challenges related to using new digital technologies and emerging online risks in various spheres of human life within a framework of the International Online Conference «The Topical Issues of Applied Psychology in the Current Social and Cultural Context» (November 30 – December 3, 2020) organized by the Udmurt State University (the city of Izhevsk, Russian Federation). The conference has been held primarily due to the necessity of drawing the authorities’ attention to the critical concerns regarding psychological prevention of suicidal behavior in the region. The conference included a variety of the events: three symposia, sections for university and secondary school students; workshops and a documentary film discussion. According to the results of the conference debates and discussions, it has been pointed out that incorporation of digital technologies in psychological practice (counselling, therapy, etc.) provides psychology professionals with new opportunities through expanding their self-boundaries and enriching the field of professional reflection with additional meanings and senses. It is recognized that using artificial intelligence tools for initial appointments, basic diagnosis, and psychological prevention will facilitate professional activities of a psychology practitioner. The problem of psychological effects of everyday life application of digital technologies to maintain individual well-being, notably, the regulation of one’s own inner space and coping with difficult situations is specified. It has been stated that transdisciplinary studies of the effectiveness of diverse organizational forms of teaching and learning (onsite, distance, online, etc.) in connection with the subjective well-being of students are believed to be forward-looking and promising.

Author Biographies

Oksana V. Kozhevnikova, Udmurt State University, 1, Universitetskaya str., Izhevsk, 426034, Russia

Ph.D. in Psychology, Docent, Associate Professorof the Department of General Psychology

Vera Yu. Khotinets, Udmurt State University, 1, Universitetskaya str., Izhevsk, 426034, Russia

Doctor of Psychology, Professor,Head of the Department of General Psychology



Khotinets, V.Yu. and Kozhevnikova, O.V. (eds.). (2020). Topical issues of applied psychology in the current social and cultural context: Book of International Conference Proceedings. Izhevsk: Udmurt State University Publ., 85 p.




