Competence in the field of mental health: essence, structure, ways to increase
competence, mental health, mental illness, stigmaAbstract
The paper argues for the importance of sociological analysis of the factors that determine the level of mental health such as public awareness of mental health, access to qualified help in case of mental deterioration and attitudes towards people with mental disorders. The expediency of using the term «competence in the field of mental health» in assessing the social conditionality of a mental state is shown. A three-component structure of mental health competence, being contradictory in its orientation and content, is defined. Based on the analysis of sociological research results, the study reveals the features of cognitive, affective and behavioral components of the competence as being manifested in individuals with different health status. There are identified and described stereotypes of public consciousness that significantly increase the level of social distance between mentally healthy people and people with mental disorders (for example, «depression is a manifestation of character», «a mentally ill person is unpredictable and dangerous», «consulting psychiatrists is a last resort»). The author notes the interrelation and interdependence of stigmatization and self-stigmatization, as well as the impossibility of solving the problem of communication solely by forming an adequate attitude towards people with mental disabilities in the social environment. The author suggests using a generalized characteristic of certain social groups whose educational training and activity can increase the level of the population’s competence in the field of mental health. These social groups, in particular, include medical workers, students of secondary specialized and higher educational institutions. The paper provides practical recommendations for solving problems of mental health competence intended for specialists in medicine, education, psychology and sociology.References
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