The meaning of the «other» in the context of the philosophical and anthropological foundations of education
alterity, self-identity, anthropological foundations, system, agency, indefinite, subjectivity, maturity, human educationAbstract
The study focuses on the phenomenon of alterity found in experience, in general, as the «other» or Others (other subjects as such). The research is based on phenomenological and dialectical approaches and orientation on the problem field of philosophy of education proceeding from an anthropological perspective. The article outlines the context of the problem of the other in philosophy and social sciences, based on which there was set an objective of developing an understanding of the meaning of the other, especially in relation to education. In considering the experience of «being a human» as the foundation of education, there are identified ‘layers’, starting with the ‘simplest’ — the level of «order», at which «self» and the «other» are revealed. This is a perspective determined by self-identity, which explains such areas of education as «embedding», training in relations with different environments; «systems thinking»; «learning» to «cope». A special relationship between «self» and the «other» is revealed in the layer of the experience of the «living». This layer is found to be nonstatic and should be designated as the phenomenon of «agency». The dialectics of the relations between the self and the «other» within this layer also explains the processes of «reflection» inherent in living things and accompanying human experience in its development at all further levels. The paper conceptualizes the significance of the «other» in the experience of this level for the modern articulation of the principles of education and for the interpretation of «human education». In the layers of experience of a «living being» and a «person-in-particular», the article reveals the significance of the «other» and Others for the gradual development of the properties and characteristic phenomena of agency according to the levels of experience in the course of a lifetime up to «maturity». These properties and phenomena include «open agency»; «subjective experience»; «light of consciousness»; «understanding»; interactions and «relationships» with the Others; «discernment»; «thing»; «sign». The paper provides conclusions regarding the significance of the «other» and Others for human experience, in general, and for the essential characteristics of individual agency («self-expression»; «self-overcoming»; «inclusive nature» of agency), as well as for understanding the education required in the modern world.References
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