A psychosemantical study of the representations and attitudes of schoolchildren and students of the perm sity and the perm territory
Psychology «Problems of psychosemantics in modern psychology» (special issue)
psychosemantics, psychodiagnostics, motivation, attitude, ideas, individual and group consciousness, schoolchildren,, studentsAbstract
The study was carried out in 2017 by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Perm Territory as part of the task of early detection of schoolchildren and students prone to the use of narcotic and psychotropic substances. Using the methodology of psychosemantic express diagnostics of motivation based on the Express computer program, 56,317 students from the city of Perm and the Perm Territory were examined. Most respondents were characterized by a fairly high level of emotional well-being, a wide range of interests, satisfaction of leading needs, a high level of self-esteem, an optimistic attitude towards the future, a positive attitude towards their family, a low level of educational motivation and a lack of interest in educational activities, a negative attitude towards drugs, risk and death.However, 7% of schoolchildren demonstrated the most positive attitude and interest in drugs, 5% of the schoolchildren characterized the topic of death as highly attractive for them, and 15% of schoolchildren feel a desire for risk and thrills. A correlation was found between indicators of general emotional distress, negative attitude to learning, positive attitude to drugs, risk and death. As a result of the least squares fit of the regression, it was found that the indicators of drug attractiveness, risk and death are directly proportional to the square of the indicator of general emotional distress. The method of psychosemantic express diagnostics of motivation makes it possible to differentiate test subjects by the content and level of emotional relationships and to identify risk groups of schoolchildren and students characterized by an increased interest in drugs and death and a desire for risky behavior.References
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