Biographical studies in the history of psychology



  • Natalia A. Loginova Saint Petersburg State University, 7–9, Universitetskaya emb., Saint Petersburg, 199034, Russia



B.G. Ananiev, three dimensions of scientific development, psychobiography of a scientist, biographical psychology, features of psychobiographical research


It is not often that professional historians of psychology study biographies as they prefer to limit themselves to an introductory biographical sketch and focus more on the analysis of scientific works, dominant theories, and methodologies of a particular historical period. The history of ideas seems to be more important than the history of man of science. However, it is wrong to completely disregard the personality of the person engaged in the process of scientific cognition. The destiny of ideas, their development and implementation in public consciousness and practice depend on a person. In the humanities, the human dimension of scientific knowledge is particularly pronounced. Here, scientific theories, specific studies are so personal that they bring science closer to art. Biographical studies of the life and work, talent and character of a scientist have their rightful place in the science of science, as well as in the historico-psychological science. These studies tend to become psychobiographical, they deal with the psychology of the subject of scientific cognition. The subject of the study is the creative individuality and life path of the leader of the St. Petersburg school of thought in the Soviet period, B.G. Ananiev. His work depended on specific socio-historical situations, the demands of society and the state, but was still performed in spite of historical obstacles. The life and scientific activity of the scientist were intrinsically motivated. The biography showed the importance of the scientist’s age as a factor of creativity and social, civic behavior. From this point of view, one can see such personality traits as the energy of a start in youth, enthusiasm and a change in attitude to life time due to age and individual characteristics. At the last phase of his life, despite physical ailments, B.G. Ananiev intensified his work trying to achieve his cherished goals in scientific knowledge. To a large extent, he succeeded. Over time, his contribution to psychology becomes more and more obvious. The prospects of the scientist’s ideas and research are confirmed in the 21st century.

Author Biography

Natalia A. Loginova, Saint Petersburg State University, 7–9, Universitetskaya emb., Saint Petersburg, 199034, Russia

Doctor of Psychology, Professor,Professor of the Department of Developmental Psychologyand Differential PsychologySaint Petersburg State University


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