The objective basis for moral action and impersonal guilt



  • Aslan Gusaevich Gadzhikurbanov Lomonosov Moscow State University, 27/4, Lomonosov av., Moscow, 119991, Russia



moral subject, moral evaluation, voluntary and involuntary, a conscious choice, impersonal guilt, moral and metaphysical guilt, Spinoza's naturalism


Traditional morality implies the moral responsibility of a man as a sovereign subject for their own decisions. He has the ability to perform any acts or refuse it. Responsibility for the moral act is related to the concept of subjective guilt. At the same time, the archaic, and even the classical tradition in the history of European culture assumes the human guilt without his subjective guilt, in other words, we can speak about an impersonal guilt. The author of the present study proposes to distinguish metaphysical guilt and moral guilt. In this context, the ethical theory of Spinoza tries to combine the natural determination of human behavior with the idea of moral responsibility. Spinoza evaluates any expression of the natural activity, including human actions, according to the canons of naturalism. Virtue and vice are part of the very nature of man as a single mode of substance. In this sense, one can not exceed its own nature.

Author Biography

Aslan Gusaevich Gadzhikurbanov , Lomonosov Moscow State University, 27/4, Lomonosov av., Moscow, 119991, Russia

Ph.D. in Philosophy, associate Professor of Department of Ethics


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