Self-regulation’s characteristics of activity as factors of procrastination



  • Natalya A. Rudnova Perm State University, 15, Bukirev st., Perm, 614990, Russia



activity, procrastination, self-regulation, planning, modeling, programming, evaluating of results, plasticity, self-dependence, sex differences


The author regards self-regulation as a significant personality characteristic which plays one of the leading roles in different kinds of activity and determines results. At the same time, procrastination viewed as postponing of planned actions until a later date reduces effectiveness and success. This study aims to clarify the relation between self-regulation and procrastination. The purpose is to prove that self-regulation components are the predictors for procrastination. The data was collected from 2017 to 2018 via the Internet by means of the survey service SurveyMonkey. The sample consists of 541 persons, the age of the participants of thestudy varies from 17 to 60 (M = 24.33; SD = 6.96), 59.3 % of them being women. The scale of general procrastination by C.H. Lay and the questionnaire «Style of self-regulation of behavior», developed by V.I. Morosanova were used. The results of theoretical analysis prove the validity of the hypothesis. Data analysis shows that the lack of development of self-regulation components stimulates procrastination. In addition, the level of procrastination was found to be connected with sex of the respondents. 

Author Biography

Natalya A. Rudnova, Perm State University, 15, Bukirev st., Perm, 614990, Russia

Assistant of the Department of Generaland Clinical Psychology


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