Psychometric analysis and content of the questionnaire «Structure of the principal’s activity» (OSDDSh)



  • Irina V. Gorbunova Perm State Humanitarian Pedagogical University, 24, Sibirskaya st., Perm, 614990, Russia



activity, principal, questionnaire, IRT analysis, psychometric analysis, validity, reliability


The study of activity has been a focus of Russian psychology for more than half of the century. Over this period, activity has been considered in various aspects: from the perspective of a person’s mentality formation, mentality manifestation in activity, connection of activity with individual and psychological features (properties of the nervous system, properties of temperament and the personality). There have been studied procedural and operational features and productive characteristics of activity, the style of activity as an adaptive characteristic reflecting the person’s activity and style in terms of adaptive and compensatory functions of activity. The most important condition of studying activity in the above areas of research was the solution of problem of its diagnostics. As a rule, diagnostics was carried out by means of accounting the approximate executive and control components of activity in the course of the studied activity. The present research is devoted to the development of a questionnaire for diagnostics of the school principals’ activity structure. The paper provides the results of developing a diagnostic technique with regard to the principal of the modern comprehensive school. The psychometric status of the questionnaire is presented, its reliability and validity are shown, and also the list of the questions reflecting the content of the main principals’ activities is given. The results can be used in further psychological and pedagogical research on the problems of modern education. The presented questionnaire is necessary for further study of the principals’ activity structure, for research into the formation mechanisms of the activity style, and for correction of the activity in order to increase the performance among the heads of educational organizations. Further research on the connections between the structure and style of the principals’ activity and their individual psychological features is a question of a special interest. It can be conducted on the basis of the presented questionnaire.

Author Biography

Irina V. Gorbunova, Perm State Humanitarian Pedagogical University, 24, Sibirskaya st., Perm, 614990, Russia

Ph.D. Student of the Department of Theoreticaland Applied Psychology


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