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D. B., Vershinina
Danilov , E. V.
Dashkevich, L. A., Institute of History and Archaeology, Ural Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences (Russia)
Davidenko, A. A., Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University (Russia)
Degtyareva, M. I., Regional Institute of Continuing Education, Perm State National Research University
Degtyareva, N.E., Department of History and Canonization, Permian Diocese
Demina, S. S.
Demir, Sh., Dagestan State University
Denisov, S. A.
Denisov, V. P., Perm State University
Dimke, D. V., European University at St. Petersburg
Dinikeeva, Ju. G.
Dmitriev, A. V.
Dmitriev, A. V.
Dmitriev, R. V.
Dobrokhotova, М. А.
Dobrokhotova, М. А., Perm State National Research University (Russian Federation)
Dokuchaev, D. S., Ivanovo State University
Dokuchaeva, N. A., Ivanovo State Burilin’s Museum
Dolgov, V. V.
Dolgova, E. A.
Dolgova , M. A.
Dolidovich, O. M., Siberian Federal University
Domovitova, P. Ya.
Domovitova, P. Ya., Perm State National Research University (Russian Federation)
Drobyshev, M. I.
Drobysheva, M. M.
Dugushina, A. S., Peter the Great’s Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography (Kunstkamera), Russian Academy of Sciences
Dvoretskaya, A. P.

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