
  • A. S. Usachev


Vologda, Vologda Diocese, Russian Church, church hierarchy, oprichnina, Ivan the Terrible, 16th century


The article deals with the reasons of the significant rise of the Vologda diocese’s status in the last third of the 16th century. It was an important component of the Russian government’s measures aimed at the creation of the reserve residence for Russian Tsar. The necessity of such residence was connected with the tensions at the southern border in the middle of the 1560s. The choice of Vologda was determined, firstly, by the long distance from the southern border; secondly, its location in the center of the Sukhono-Dviskiy road, which linked Russia with the countries of Western Europe. Finally, it was the residence of the Vologda bishop. In 1565, Vologda became the part of oprichnina, and oprichniki began to receive estates on the territory of the district no later than in 1567. The construction of the stone cathedral and the citadel began in the town. The status of Vologda as the center of diocese was formalized: no later than in the summer of 1569, the center of diocese was officially transferred from Ust’-Vym to Vologda. The diocese was moved from the 11th line to the 6th line in the church hierarchy. The territory of diocese was significantly expanded by the joining of the Pomorye, which had earlier belonged to the Novgorod diocese. The Russian government stopped to create the “reserve” capital after the sweeping victory over the troops of Crimea khanate in the summer of 1572 near Molodi. This victory had led to reducing of tensions at the southern border. The economic depression of the 1570s also played its role in stopping of expensive stone building in Vologda. However, the Vologda diocese had saved the new status received at the turn of the 1560s and 1570s.


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How to Cite

Usachev А. С. (2022). THE VOLOGDA DIOCESE AND IVAN IV. PERM UNIVERSITY HERALD. History, 57(2), 190–199. Retrieved from