Salix alba, S. euxina and S. × fragilis (Salicaceae) in the conditions of the Perm Region

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Natalia A. Molganova
Sergey A. Ovesnov


The study is devoted to morphological parameters of the leaves of Salix alba, S. euxina and S. × fragilis. Salix alba samples for the study were selected in the herbarium of the Perm State University (Perm) and signed by I.V. Belyaeva in order to avoid the possible inclusion of hybrid plants. Shoots from cultivated plants of S. euxina and S. × fragilis were collected in August 2024 in Perm. Model shoots were selected from the illuminated part of the crown. All fully developed, more or less symmetrical leaves from the central part of the current year's growth are measured on them. The length and width of the leaf blade leaves were measured using CorelDRAW 2019. The blade shape coefficient was calculated as the ratio of its length to width, the distance from the base of the leaf blade to its widest part, the length of the petiole, and the angle of the apex of the leaf blade was determined. Statistical data processing was performed using PAST 4.13. It was found that the shapes of leaf blades in the studied species have quite definite differences that allow us to fairly confidently differentiate closely related taxa.

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How to Cite
Molganova Н. А. ., & Ovesnov С. А. . (2024). Salix alba, S. euxina and S. × fragilis (Salicaceae) in the conditions of the Perm Region. Bulletin of Perm University. Biology, (4), 374–379.
Author Biographies

Natalia A. Molganova, Perm State agricultural and technological University, Perm, Russia

candidate of biology, associate professor

Sergey A. Ovesnov, Perm State University, Perm, Russia

doctor of biology, professor


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