Representatives of the family Teloschistaceae as a component of the vegetation cover of rocky outcrops in the Chusovaya River valley (Middle Urals)

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Ekaterina A. Lavrskaya
Aleksey E. Selivanov
Ksenia O. Pechenkina


The paper presents data on the patterns of lichens of the family Teloschistaceae on coastal rocks in the middle reaches of the Chusovaya River from the village of Kyn to the town of Chusovoy (Perm Krai, Sverdlovsk Oblast). To describe the lichen cover on rocky outcrops, 30×30 cm survey plots were laid out. Each site was photographed with a scale ruler, and habitat characteristics such as surface slope, exposure, overhangs, and rock were recorded. The family Teloschistaceae in the study area on rocky outcrops is represented by three genera: Caloplaca, Rusavskia, and Xanthoria. Of these genera, Rusavskia has the highest occurrence and projective coverage. Maximum indicators of occurrence of representatives of the family are noted on limestone rocks. On rocks from other rocks (sandstones) they occur less frequently. Teloschistaceae show higher values of projective coverage and occurrence on southern and eastern exposures. Representatives of Teloschistaceae are among the dominant species that play an important role in the lichen cover of coastal rock outcrops. The main factors determining their distribution on the studied substrates are exposure, rock type, and relief character.

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How to Cite
Lavrskaya Е. А., Selivanov А. Е., & Pechenkina К. О. (2024). Representatives of the family Teloschistaceae as a component of the vegetation cover of rocky outcrops in the Chusovaya River valley (Middle Urals). Bulletin of Perm University. Biology, (3), 263‒268.
Author Biographies

Ekaterina A. Lavrskaya, Perm State Humanitarian Pedagogical University, Perm, Russia

Assistant of the Department of Biology and Geography; Рostgraduate Student the Department of Botany and Plant Genetics

Aleksey E. Selivanov, Perm State Humanitarian Pedagogical University, Perm, Russia

candidat of biology, head of the Department of botany and geography

Ksenia O. Pechenkina, Perm State Humanitarian Pedagogical University, Perm, Russia

Assistant of the Department of Biology and Geography; Рostgraduate Student the Department of Botany and Plant Genetics


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