Results of primary introduction assessment of soybean in the conditions of the middle taiga of Western Siberia

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Ekaterina A. Moiseeva
Rimma Kh. Bordey
Natalia I. Lozhkina-Gametskaya


For the first time, in order to study the characteristics of individual growth and development, a primary assessment of the prospects for cultivating soybeans of the cultivated variety ‘SK Artika’ for green fodder of soybeans of the cultivated variety Artika, the feasibility of using the drug "Highсout Super Soya" containing nodule bacteria of the family Rhizobiaceae and in the extreme soil and climatic conditions of the north An introduction field experiment was conducted on the basis of the Surgut Botanical Garden. The introduction study area is located in the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Yugra (KhMAO-Yugra), in the central part of the West Siberian Plain on the right bank of the river. Ob and belongs to the 3rd agroclimatic region for the cultivation of early crops. The data obtained indicate that under the conditions of the introduction point, the height of the soybean stem, depending on the experimental variant, varies from 31 to 86 cm, the collection of green mass - from 12.4 to 106.6 c/ha and up to 33.4 c/ha absolutely -dry matter. The duration of the germination–flowering period of the introduced species ranged from 60 to 65 days. Pre-sowing bacterization of soybean seeds of the cultivar ‘SK Artika’ with the drug “Highсout Super Soya” contributed to the lengthening of the growing season of plants with a lower heat supply due to the reduction of the main phenological phases. A decrease in the stress influence of limiting factors was observed, which contributed to the enhancement of crop growth processes and the formation of high soybean yields in the extreme soil and climatic conditions of the point of introduction.

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How to Cite
Moiseeva Е. А., Bordey Р. Х., & Lozhkina-Gametskaya Н. И. (2024). Results of primary introduction assessment of soybean in the conditions of the middle taiga of Western Siberia. Bulletin of Perm University. Biology, (2), 132–140.
Author Biographies

Ekaterina A. Moiseeva, Surgut State Pedagogical University, Surgut, Russia

Candidate of Biological Sciences, Senior Lecturer Surgut State Pedagogical University, Surgut, Department of Biomedical Disciplines and Life Safety

Rimma Kh. Bordey, Surgut State University, Surgut, Russia

Candidate of Biological Sciences, senior researcher at the "Scientific Educational Center" of the Institute of Natural and Technical Sciences Surgut State University

Natalia I. Lozhkina-Gametskaya, Surgut State Pedagogical University

Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor Surgut State Pedagogical University, Department of Biomedical Disciplines and Life Safety


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