Genetic diversity of Russian and European individuals Dryopteris expansa (C. Presl) Fraser-Jenkins et Jeremy (Dryopteridaceae)

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Sergey Yu. Malyh


The results of molecular genetic analysis (ISSR-PCR) of 112 Dryopteris expansa (C. Presl) Fraser-Jenkins et Jermy specimens collected in Russia and Europe are presented. DNA was extracted using fresh material and material from the herbarium of the South Siberian Botanical Garden (ALTB): the collection of fresh material was carried out during expeditions (40 samples from Perm Krai, Moscow, Smolensk and Tver regions), the selection of material from the herbarium was carried out by removing a part of the dried frond (72 samples from various regions of Russia and Europe). An analysis of DNA polymorphism and the genetic structure of the studied groups with the calculation of the proportion (P95) of polymorphic loci, the absolute (na) number of alleles, the effective (ne) number of alleles, the expected (HE) heterozygosity and the information-entropy measure (I) of Shannon was carried out using the POPGENE 1.31 program. To describe the genetic structure of the studied groups, the following parameters were used: the expected proportion of heterozygous genotypes (HT) in the entire group as a measure of its overall diversity; the expected proportion of heterozygous genotypes in a subgroup (HS) as a measure of its internal diversity; the proportion of intergroup genetic diversity in the total diversity or the subdivision index (GST). In addition to this, the AMOVA package was used with the calculation of the subdivision index of groups using 1000 rounds of permutations. Based on a comparison of the indicators of the Shannon information measure (I), Nei fixation index (FST), as well as intra- and intergroup variability based on the results of the analysis of molecular variants (AMOVA) obtained for D. expansa with similar indicators given for D. fragrans (L.) Schott, a conclusion is made about the inexpediency of dividing D. expansa s.l. into two independent species – D. expansa s. str. and D. assimilis S. Walker. The indicators of all indices and calculated values given in the publication can be used as a basis for comparison in other works devoted to the genetic variability of species of the genus Dryopteris in Russia.

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How to Cite
Malyh С. Ю. (2023). Genetic diversity of Russian and European individuals Dryopteris expansa (C. Presl) Fraser-Jenkins et Jeremy (Dryopteridaceae). Bulletin of Perm University. Biology, (3), 259–273.
Author Biography

Sergey Yu. Malyh, Gymnasium № 31, Perm, Russia

Biology teacher


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