Flora of vascular plants of the port of Yamburg

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Nikolai G. Ilminskikh
Svetlana А. Krasnoperova


The data on the flora of the port of Yamburg (67° 54' s. w., 74° 48' v. d.) on the Taz Peninsula, 148.5 km north of the Arctic Circle, in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug of the Tyumen Region are presented. The port area is about 4 hectares. The whole area is covered with sand. There is no continuous vegetation cover, it is very sparse. 42 species of vascular plants were found (28.07.2013). During 3 years of forwarding work in the Arctic (2012-2014), Poa lanata Scribn. et Merrt, Lathyrus quinquenervis (Miq.) Litv. ex Kom. and Lathyrus pilosus Cham. ´ L. quinquenervis (Miq.) Litv. ex Kom. were collected only in the port of Yamburg. It is established that these species are the result of repeated migrations. They are rare, so they have not been noted elsewhere. It is revealed that all other species are introduced from adjacent natural territories and are at different stages of the apophitization process. In the course of the conducted studies, it was noted that representatives of the Poaceae family (17 species) predominate, Fabaceae (5 species) are in second place, followed by Asteraceae and Polygonaceae (4 species each). The most widespread species were Artemisia tilesii, Crepis multicaulis, Tripleurospermum hookeri. There are only 3 drift species: Poa angustifolia, Puccinellia distans, Puccinellia hauptiana. The small number of species is explained by the northern location, a thick layer of sand and the weak role of river transport as a source of drift.

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How to Cite
Ilminskikh Н. Г. ., & Krasnoperova С. А. . (2022). Flora of vascular plants of the port of Yamburg. Bulletin of Perm University. Biology, (3), 184–188. https://doi.org/10.17072/1994-9952-2022-3-184-188
Author Biographies

Nikolai G. Ilminskikh, Udmurt State University

Doctor of biology

Svetlana А. Krasnoperova, Udmurt State University

Candidate of biology


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