Influence of temperature stress on the spectrum of fatty acids of Vibrio cholerae strains

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Elena S. Shipko
Olga V. Duvanova


Under conditions of simulated temperature stress gas chromatography combined with mass spectrometry was used to study the spectrum of fatty acids of strains of Vibrio cholerae O1, O139, non O1/non O139 serogroups with a different set of pathogenicity determinants isolated from patients and from water samples of surface water bodies. Significant differences in the composition of fatty acids under cold and heat stress in the cells of the causative agent of cholera relative to control samples were revealed. The strains isolated from the water of surface reservoirs differed in the spectrum of fatty acids under cold stress from the strains isolated from patients. In strains isolated from water, a decrease in cultivation temperature to 23 °C was accompanied by the synthesis of docosanoic, tetracosanoic and hexacosanoic acids and to 4 °C - an increase in the amount of tetradecanoic and hexadecanoic acids. While in strains isolated from patients, a decrease in cultivation temperature caused a regular increase in hexadecenoic acids. and octadecenoic acids. The reaction to heat stress in most of the studied strains regardless of the set of pathogenicity determinants and the source of isolation had a general trend: an increase in the total amount of saturated fatty acids, the synthesis of trans-isomers of unsaturated fatty acids and the appearance of ω-alicyclic and iso-branched fatty acids. In addition to the remodeling of the fatty acid composition of the membrane under the influence of temperature stress, the synthesis of oxylipins, phenylpropanoids and terpenoids, possibly playing the role of adaptogens, was noted.

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How to Cite
Shipko Е. С. ., & Duvanova О. В. . (2022). Influence of temperature stress on the spectrum of fatty acids of Vibrio cholerae strains. Bulletin of Perm University. Biology, (2), 143–154.
Author Biographies

Elena S. Shipko, Rostov-on-Don Antiplague Research Institute

Junior researcher at the Department of microbiology of cholera and other acute intestinal infections

Olga V. Duvanova, Rostov-on-Don Antiplague Research Institute

Candidate of biology, senior researcher at the Department of microbiology of cholera and other acute intestinal infections


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