The study of the thermoregulatory behavior of reptiles during subcutaneous implantation of thermorecorders

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Nikolai A. Chetanov
Nikolai A. Litvinov
Svetlana V. Ganshchuk
Danila M. Galiulin


The article presents an attempt to characterize the thermoregulatory behavior of reptiles without direct observation of them by comparing the data of two thermal recorders: one sewn subcutaneously to the object of study and one placed in the biotope. The main difficulties that arise in the course of such studies are identified, and the most important conditions for successful implementation are identified. Based on the analysis of our own data, five main forms of thermoregulatory behavior in reptiles are identified and described.

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How to Cite
Chetanov Н. А. ., Litvinov Н. А. ., Ganshchuk С. В. ., & Galiulin Д. М. . (2022). The study of the thermoregulatory behavior of reptiles during subcutaneous implantation of thermorecorders. Bulletin of Perm University. Biology, (2), 119–124.
Author Biographies

Nikolai A. Chetanov, Perm State Humanitarian Pedagogical University

Сandidate of biology

Nikolai A. Litvinov, Perm State Humanitarian Pedagogical University

Candidate of biology, associate professor

Svetlana V. Ganshchuk, Perm State Humanitarian Pedagogical University

Candidate of biology, associate professor

Danila M. Galiulin, Perm State University

Postgraduate student


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