New locations of the rare species Cotoneaster uralensis (Rosaceae) in the Polar Urals

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Evgenii G. Nikolin


The study reveals and identifies a new distribution point of a rare plant endemic to the Middle, Circumpolar and Polar Urals, – Cotoneaster uralensis. The plant is listed in the regional Red Books of the Russian Federation – namely the Red Books of YANAO and H-MAO. The location of this species installed in the upper river Krestovaya (tributary of the Langotyugan river), close to the centerline of the Polar Urals, on the Western border of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous district (YANAO) of the Russian Federation. The article contains coordinates of this point and a brief description of the area. The new discovery of the species eliminates the gap in the distribution of C. uralensis between its 2 northernmost points and 7 points to the south known currently.

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How to Cite
Nikolin Е. Г. . (2022). New locations of the rare species Cotoneaster uralensis (Rosaceae) in the Polar Urals. Bulletin of Perm University. Biology, (1), 18–21.
Author Biography

Evgenii G. Nikolin, Institute for Biological Problems of Cryolithozone Sibirian Branch of RAS

Doctor of biological sciences, chief researcher


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