Review of the methods of genetic differentiation of pseudotuberculosis pathogen strains

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Misak G. Meloyan
Ekaterina A. Voskresenskaya
Svetlana A. Lebedeva
Aleksei L. Trukhachev


Pseudotuberculosis is an infectious disease, the causative agent of which is Yersinia pseudotuberculosis. The disease appears in the form of sporadic outbreaks and causes significant damage to the health of the population. In addition to timely detection of the pathogen, various methods are used to effectively determine whether the pathogen belongs to a particular strain. Currently, various methods are used for genotyping strains of the causative agent of pseudotuberculosis. The review presents the methods of genetic differentiation most frequently used in recent years: MLVA, MLST, IS-RFLP, etc. The analysis of the applied methods will help to choose the most effective method for genotyping the causative agent of pseudotuberculosis, as well as to choose the vector of development of a new approach.

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How to Cite
Meloyan М. Г. ., Voskresenskaya Е. А. ., Lebedeva С. А. ., & Trukhachev А. Л. . (2022). Review of the methods of genetic differentiation of pseudotuberculosis pathogen strains. Bulletin of Perm University. Biology, (1), 54–63.
Author Biographies

Misak G. Meloyan, Rostov-on-Don Plague Control Research Institute

Junior researcher of the laboratory of natural focal and zoonotic infections

Ekaterina A. Voskresenskaya, Saint Petersburg Scientific Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology. Pasteur

Candidate of biological scienses, leading researcher of the laboratory of medical bacteriology, head of the Russian reference centre for yersiniosis monitoring

Svetlana A. Lebedeva, Rostov-on-Don Plague Control Research Institute

Doctor of medical sciences, professor, leading researcher of the laboratory of microbiology of plague and other yersinioses

Aleksei L. Trukhachev, Rostov-on-Don Plague Control Research Institute

Сandidate of medical sciences, leading researcher of the laboratory of molecular biology, natural focal and zoonotic infections


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