Study of vertebrate animals of the Barabin and Ishim forest steppe and Kulunda steppe for preparation of the third edition of the Red book of the Omsk region

Main Article Content

Gennady N. Sidorov
Oleg A. Odintsev
Alexander A. Kislyi
Antonina A. Odintseva


The article presents the results of monitoring of the conditions of vertebrate populations included in the Red Book of the Omsk Region (2015) in the territories of the Azov German National, Gorkovsky, Kalachinsky, Kormilovsky, Nizhneomsky, Okoneshnikovsky, Omsk, and Cherlaksky municipal districts within the area of ​​24 000 square km. 97 respondents with an average experience of observing animals and working in nature for 27 years were interviewed. 67 key sites were surveyed by scientific methods. Monitoring was carried out to search for all 107 species recorded in the Red Book (2015) in the mentioned area and species left in that area by 2021. 79 species of animals were found. After examining its entire territory, it is proposed to exclude the following species from the Red Book of the Omsk region: siberian loach, siberian sculpin, common crane, black woodpecker and the gray shrike. The status of protection of the savka and bustard should be changed to the first category, the little bittern, white-eyed pochard and the Eurasian hoopoe - to the second category, the red-necked grebe, Siberian salamander and the gray-cheeked grebe, Siberian salamander and the greater spotted eagle - to the fifth category of rarity status.

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How to Cite
Sidorov Г. Н. ., Odintsev О. А. ., Kislyi А. А. ., & Odintseva А. А. . (2022). Study of vertebrate animals of the Barabin and Ishim forest steppe and Kulunda steppe for preparation of the third edition of the Red book of the Omsk region. Bulletin of Perm University. Biology, (1), 42–53.
Author Biographies

Gennady N. Sidorov, Omsk State Pedagogical University, Omsk Research Institute of Natural Focal Infections

Doctor of biological sciences, Professor at the department of biology and biological, Chief Researcher

Oleg A. Odintsev, Omsk State Pedagogical University

Candidate of biological sciences, associate professor, head of Department of biology and biological education

Alexander A. Kislyi, Omsk State Pedagogical University, Institute of Systematics and Ecology of Animals RAS

Candidate of biological sciences, senior lecturer at the department of biology and biological education, researcher assistant

Antonina A. Odintseva, Institute of Systematics and Ecology of Animals RAS

Candidate of biological sciences, junior researcher


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