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Михаил/Mikhail Владимирович/Vladimirovich Рогозин/Rogozin


To study the structure of 180-year-old stand of pine on the area of 2.2 hectares. Measure the diameters of 736 trees on two plots with an average height of 32-33 m, reserves of up to 650 cu. m/ha and fullness relative to the standard 0.92 and 1.07. In the ArcGIS computer program, all trees were plotted on a 1:100 scale. On the basis of the average area of food, the average distance between the trees was calculated. This distance was used as a unit of measurement of the force of interaction between trees and built a chain of links between them. Adopted 7 levels of interaction (competition), which amounted to five layers of the map. It turned out that in biogroups, with a distance between neighbors 84-270 cm, grows an average of 40% of trees. The average values of the diameters of the trees in them and in the forest differ untrue and not more than 1.0%. Even in dense biogroups with the distance between neighbors of 84-150 cm the largest trees were found, which contradicts the known and negative impact of high density of stands on the size of trees. In addition, the pairs of tree diameters in the biogroups were correlated at the level of r = 0.47-0.58, which allows us to relate the interaction of trees in the biogroups to the partner type. This new phenomenon changes our notion of stands, where, along with competition, there is also an intraspecific partnership.

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How to Cite
Рогозин/Rogozin М. В. (2018). BIOGRAPHY IN OLD STANDS OF PINE. Bulletin of Perm University. Biology, (2), 150–158. Retrieved from
Author Biography

Михаил/Mikhail Владимирович/Vladimirovich Рогозин/Rogozin, Perm State University; Perm State Agrarian and Technological University

Doctor of biology, professor of the Department of Biogeocenology and Conservation and Department of Botany and Genetics of plants;Professor of the Department of Forestry and Landscape Architecture


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