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Сергей/Sergej Юрьевич/Yur’evich Малых/Malyh


A short description of the genus Dryopteris Adans. within Perm region, a key for definition of species within this territory and a brief review with comments are based on results of the field research (2015- 2017), studying of Bassegi Nature Reserve's, Perm State National Research University's (PERM), Perm State Humanitarian Pedagogical University's herbarium collections and other data. Nomenclatural characteristics, including only an essential synonymics, are given for all species. The list consists of 4 species, referring to 1 subgenus and 3 sections. The field research of 2015-2017 covers Bardymskiy, Gorno-zavodskiy, Gremyachinskiy, Kuedinskiy, Kungurskiy, Oktyabrskiy, Ordinskiy, Permskiy and Uinskiy districts. The longest expeditions involved gathering of herbarium material. In total, over 200 herbarium samples were gathered on the territory of Perm region. During field research over 1000 length measures of the longest low segments of the primary division (basal pinnae) and low segments of the secondary division (basal pinnulae) were made. All herbarium samples are kept in a Perm State National Research University's (PERM) collection.

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How to Cite
Малых/Malyh С. Ю. (2018). ON THE GENUS DRYOPTERIS ADANS. IN PERM REGION. Bulletin of Perm University. Biology, (2), 144–149. Retrieved from http://press.psu.ru/index.php/bio/article/view/1993
Author Biography

Сергей/Sergej Юрьевич/Yur’evich Малых/Malyh, Perm State University

Graduate student of biological faculty


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