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Елена/Elena Валерьевна Михалёва/Mikhaleva
Юлия/Juliya Анатольевна Ренёва/Reneva


The compounding and acidophilus drink technology with the addition of bee pollen. Bee pollen is a "treasure trove" the most wonderful food and medicinal substances: proteins, fats, carbohydrates, various vitamins, enzymes, minerals and other substances and phytoncide. The cooked milk base was added acidophilus milk wand (Lactobacillus acidophilum), lactococci (Lactococcus), Kefir fungus and pollen load, further acidify the mixture and cooled. Ready drink was evaluated by organoleptic, physical-chemical, microbiological indicators, as indicators of security acidophilus drinks were examined. Organoleptic, aci-dophilic drink with the addition of bee pollen prevailed over conventional acidophilus drink in terms of taste, flavor and consistency. On the basis of the physico-chemical parameters of quality it found that the addition of a beverage with acidophilic bee pollen has lower acidity than the control option, due to the addition of bee pollen, which holds marginally increase acidity. The rest of the indicators of quality do not exceed standard values.

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How to Cite
Михалёва/Mikhaleva Е. В., & Ренёва/Reneva Ю. А. (2018). QUALITATIVE RESEARCH ACIDOPHILUS BEVERAGE. Bulletin of Perm University. Biology, (3), 263–267. Retrieved from http://press.psu.ru/index.php/bio/article/view/1818
Author Biographies

Елена/Elena Валерьевна Михалёва/Mikhaleva, Perm State Agricultural Academy named after academician D.N. Prianishnikov

Assistant professor of the Department of horticulture, storage and processing of agricultural products

Юлия/Juliya Анатольевна Ренёва/Reneva, Perm State Agricultural Academy named after academician D.N. Prianishnikov

Senior lecturer of the Department of horticulture, storage and processing of agricultural products


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