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Александр/Alexander Александрович/Alexandrovich Емцев/Emtsev


The bird population of the West-Siberian bogs, mainly in the northern part of Western Siberia (the sub-zones of middle and northern taiga, light forests), had remained poorly studied for a long time. It defined a rather tentative division of the territory under research into ornithogeographical areas described in A.M. Gyngazov and S.P. Milovidov's monograph "Avifauna of the West Siberian Plain" (1977). For the last two and a half decades the number of the published ornithological works dedicated to the North of Western Siberia has considerably increased. It contributed to the better understanding of the way of presence and distribution of separate species and made it possible to assess faunistic structure and communities of birds more precisely. Based on the modern literature data and long-term research results a new ornithogeographical area supplementing the already existing system, is allocated in northern part of Western Siberia.

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How to Cite
Емцев/Emtsev А. А. (2018). ON THE ISSUE OF ORNITHOGEOGRAPHICAL ZONING OF THE NORTHERN PART OF WESTERN SIBERIA. Bulletin of Perm University. Biology, (3), 229–233. Retrieved from http://press.psu.ru/index.php/bio/article/view/1814
Author Biography

Александр/Alexander Александрович/Alexandrovich Емцев/Emtsev, Scientific Center of Research Institute of the North Ecology of Surgut State University

Candidate of biology, leading research Officer of ecology of natural complexes


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