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Елена Герасимовна Ефимик
Наталья Александровна Зенкова


Alyssum lenense Adams - guarded view, which is included in the Red Book of the Perm region, category rare II. The article provides the data about the distribution of Alyssum lenense in Perm region. Analyzed materials of the Herbarium PGNIU (PERM). The titles "stones" in the Herbarium labels, literature and popular names used by the native population was clarified. Contains information about the new location of Alyssum lenense in the Krasnovishersk area of Perm region. The article concerns the assessment of the status of two well-known local populations of Alyssum in the Suksun and the Krasnovishersk areas: provides the geobotanical descriptions and surveys of the number of local populations. Both cenopopulations are numerous, stable; status of populations is satisfactory, the downsizing of the species not observed. Currently Alyssum lenense do not require special measures of protection, however, requires regular monitoring of known locations for timely reaction to changes in the numbers of species.

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How to Cite
Ефимик, Е. Г., & Зенкова, Н. А. (2018). ALYSSUM LENENSE ADAMS (BRASSICACEAE) IN THE PERM REGION. Bulletin of Perm University. Biology, (1), 7–11. Retrieved from
Author Biographies

Елена Герасимовна Ефимик, Perm State University

Candidate of biology, associate professor of the Department of botany and genetic of plants

Наталья Александровна Зенкова, Perm State University

Researcher of the Botanical garden


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