
Articles with multiple publications, inaccurate information or infringement of authorship (plagiarism) will be retracted (withdrawn) from the journal, according the Guidelines for the recall of articles of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

Further, information about retracted article will be placed in the archive of the journal, transferred to the Ethics Council (Russian Association of Science Editors and Publishers), placed in the database of retracted articles, in all libraries, databases where the journal is located, for making an appropriate note indicating the reason and date of recall.


The Article Sokolov R.A., Berdinskikh S.Y. «SANITARY STATE OF FORESTRY LANDINGS THE PERM EDGE» retracted from the jornal «Anthropogenic Transformation of Nature», Vol. 3 (2017), P. 69-72. Reason: incorrect citation and request that the authors retract their article.