Model Development for Assessing the Danger of Malicious Utilities' Destructive Effects on Automated Special-Purpose Systems Using Regression Analysis


  • Nikolay S. Kobyakov Perm Military Institute of National Guard Troops



regression analysis, malicious utilities, automated systems


The paper examines the issue of using regression analysis to develop a model for assessing the danger of malicious utilities on automated systems. The initial data for modeling are the results of a survey of highly qualified specialists in the field of information security. The application package Excel and STATISTICA were used for modeling. The modeling results were verified on a test data set. The generated model can be used by specialists who ensure information security when processing information in automated systems for special purposes, from the destructive effects of previously unknown malicious utilities.


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How to Cite

Kobyakov Н. С. (2023). Model Development for Assessing the Danger of Malicious Utilities’ Destructive Effects on Automated Special-Purpose Systems Using Regression Analysis. BULLETIN OF PERM UNIVERSITY. MATHEMATICS. MECHANICS. COMPUTER SCIENCE, (4 (63), 89–95.