Quasi-permanent Motion of a Complex Mechanical System





complex mechanical system, quasi-permanent motion, control connection, integral manifold


The motion of a mechanical system with a variable mass composition and variable geometric configuration is studied, continuously changing in time according to a given deterministic program. A free mechanical system moves relative to the center of mass under the influence of reactive, variational, coriolis and linear dissipative forces so that its center of mass does not move relative to the unchanging basis of the system (the carrier body). The motion of the particles of the changeable part of the system (attached masses – the working body) relative to the carrier is continuous in time and has a shock-free character determined by a given control program. We consider the problem of finding the necessary conditions for the existence of the system under which one of the components of the absolute angular velocity of the unchanging part of the sys-tem is constant (quasipermanent motion). These conditions are interpreted as control relations imposed on the mechanical system, realizing quasipermanent motion. This problem is solved using the integral manifold method of the system of equations of motion of the object under study.


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How to Cite

Makeev Н. Н. (2022). Quasi-permanent Motion of a Complex Mechanical System. BULLETIN OF PERM UNIVERSITY. MATHEMATICS. MECHANICS. COMPUTER SCIENCE, (4 (59), 29–35. https://doi.org/10.17072/1993-0550-2022-4-29-35