Digital literacy of the population as a factor in the development of the digital economy in Russia


  • Eduard Rassadnev Perm Military Institute of the National Guard Forces of the Russian Federation
  • Andrey Osipenko Perm Military Institute of the National Guard Forces of the Russian Federation
  • A. S. Lubeyankov Perm Military Institute of the National Guard Forces of the Russian Federation



digital literacy, information technology, WorldSkills standard, e-education Internet


The article discusses issues related to the concept of "digital literacy" of the population, shows the importance of the population's possession of competencies related to the field of digital literacy. Criteria for determining the level of digital literacy of the population are proposed. In this paper, the study of the theoretical foundations of digital literacy is based on the assumption that a necessary condition for the formation of the digital economy in the country is to achieve not only quantitative indicators of the development of digital ecosystems (the number of connections to the Internet, data transfer rate, reasonable cost of Internet access, etc.) but also qualitative criteria, expressed in the level of digital literacy. The main trends in this area are reflected, current problems are identified, and prospects for the development of digital literacy and ways to improve it among the country's population are considered.


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How to Cite

Rassadnev Э. С., Osipenko А. А., & Lubeyankov А. С. (2021). Digital literacy of the population as a factor in the development of the digital economy in Russia. BULLETIN OF PERM UNIVERSITY. MATHEMATICS. MECHANICS. COMPUTER SCIENCE, (1(52), 75–80.



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