Import substitution in the field of telecommunications and IT technologies


  • Vitaliy Osipov Perm Military Institute of the National Guard Forces of the Russian Federation
  • Igor Zhigalov Perm Military Institute of the National Guard Forces of the Russian Federation
  • A. S. Lubyankov Perm Military Institute of the National Guard Forces of the Russian Federation
  • A. A. Antipov Perm Military Institute of the National Guard Forces of the Russian Federation
  • E. V. Titov Perm Military Institute of the National Guard Forces of the Russian Federation



Import substitution, information technology, economy, geographically distributed information systems, technological independence


The article examines the problems that arise when solving the problem of import substitution in information systems that work in the interests of state authorities. The tasks of import substitution in the field of information technologies are formulated. The causes of the problem are analyzed. Possible ways of solving the problem are suggested.


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How to Cite

Osipov В. Л., Zhigalov И. В., Lubyankov А. С., Antipov А. А., & Titov Е. В. (2021). Import substitution in the field of telecommunications and IT technologies. BULLETIN OF PERM UNIVERSITY. MATHEMATICS. MECHANICS. COMPUTER SCIENCE, (1(52), 70–74.



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