Application of the dynamic Lorentz model to modeling the motion of a rigid body


  • Nikolay Makeyev Institute for Integration and Professional Adaptation



rigid body, dynamic system, field of phase trajectories, attractor of Lorentz


A qualitative research of the field of phase trajectories of the system of dynamic equations of an absolutely rigid body was carried out, moving around the selected pole under the influence of gyroscopic, dissipative forces and Coriolis inertia forces. The equations of body motion are reduced to a dynamical system generating a Lorentz attractor. Under parametric constraints imposed on the equations of a dynamical system, the structure of its phase trajectories is described depending on the values of the system parameters.


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How to Cite

Makeyev Н. Н. (2021). Application of the dynamic Lorentz model to modeling the motion of a rigid body. BULLETIN OF PERM UNIVERSITY. MATHEMATICS. MECHANICS. COMPUTER SCIENCE, (1(52), 32–37.



Механика. Математическое моделирование