Methods and tools to build ontology driven knowledge acquisition systems


  • Andrey Minin Perm State University
  • Svetlana Chuprina Perm State University



knowledge base, ontology, knowledge acquisition automation, ontology driven architecture, expert systems production rules generation


The article discusses the main existing methods and tools for automating the process of acquiring knowledge, and also presents the concept of an approach to the application of knowledge engineering methods of building the ontology driven knowledge acquisition systems. Automation of the process of production expert system knowledge base building uses the principles of adaptability to the specifics of the application domain and third-party information resources is demonstrated. A distinctive feature of the proposed approach is the active nature of the dialogue within the knowledge extraction system (dialogue script is generated in dynamics). This allows, during communication with an expert, to initiate a natural language dialogue adequate to the features of the problem being solved and focus on simplifying and automating the work of an expert and a knowledge engineer. The tools which allow the knowledge engineer to verify the quality of the developed knowledge base are discussed.


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How to Cite

Minin А. С., & Chuprina С. И. (2021). Methods and tools to build ontology driven knowledge acquisition systems. BULLETIN OF PERM UNIVERSITY. MATHEMATICS. MECHANICS. COMPUTER SCIENCE, (4 (55), 25–34.