
Current Issue

Вестник 2024 Выпуск 4
Published: 2024-12-25


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ISSN 2078-7898
ISSN online 2686-7532
Agreement with NEB (since 2010).
Founder and publisher of the peer-reviewed scientific journal "Vestnik of Perm University. Philosophy. Psychology. Sociology" is the Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Perm State National Research University" (Perm State National Research University, Perm, Russia).
This publication has been published quarterly since 2010 with the support of the Philosophy and Sociology Department of Perm State National Research University.
The journal is registered with the Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere of Telecom, Information Technologies, and Mass Communications (Roskomnadzor).
Certificate of registration of mass media PI № FS77-66481 from July 14, 2016.
The journal is indexed in the List of peer-reviewed scientific publications of VAK Russia in three groups of specialties: Philosophical Sciences, Psychological Sciences, Sociological Sciences and included in the national information-analytical system "Russian Science Citation Index" (RSCI).
The publication is included in the international databases Ulrich's Periodicals Directory and EBSCO Discovery Service, in the electronic libraries "IPRbooks", "CyberLeninka", "Rukont". Preparation for inclusion of the Journal in the international citation database Scopus is underway.
Topics of the Journal's articles reflect scientific interests and achievements of Russian and foreign scientists in the field of current complex problems of human and society studies. The mission of the journal is to promote transdisciplinary scientific dialogue in the format of theoretical and empirical research from the standpoint of philosophical, psychological and sociological sciences.
The key objectives of the journal are:
To acquaint both professional scholars and a broad audience with current trends in empirical research in these fields;
To acquaint this audience with current trends in the theory and methodology of socio-humanitarian knowledge;
comprehension of these trends in socio-cultural and historical contexts.
The choice of materials is conditioned by their significance for the development of complex transdisciplinary studies of man and society, as well as for the improvement of teaching of philosophical, psychological, and sociological sciences in higher education.