Interpretation of virtuality in the context of mythological structures



  • Denis Andreevich Shchukin Saint-Petersburg State University, 5, Mendeleev line, Saint-Petersburg, 199034, Russia



virtual space, virtual subject, structuralism, social semiotics, theory of magic, mythical thinking


The aim of the article is to form the basic prerequisites for the ontology of virtuality using the results of structuralist analysis focused on the mythical structures of consciousness. Consistent consideration of the spatial identification of the virtual subject, the logic of intersubjective relations, and the mechanisms of interaction with the virtual environment allows to interpret these three aspects of the virtual existence through the specific logic of the mytho-magical practices. The article draws that the functioning of a virtual subject can be considered in three aspects: as spatial identification, as interpersonal relations and interaction with reality, which can be related with the concepts of mimicry, as the complex of shamanism and magical laws.

Author Biography

Denis Andreevich Shchukin , Saint-Petersburg State University, 5, Mendeleev line, Saint-Petersburg, 199034, Russia

PhD in Philosophy, Assistant Lecturer of Department of Ethics


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