About one anthropological aspect of S.N. Bulgakov philosophy



  • Alexey P. Kozyrev Lomonosov Moscow State University; 27–4, Lomonosovsky av., Moscow, 119991, Russia


anthropology, body, flesh, Christianity, sacred relics, «religious materialism», embodiment, platonizm


Two concepts — «body» and «flesh» — are investigated in the article. Author suggests that each of them has its own semantic context. The idea of «embodiment» in Christianity correlates with «flesh» first of all, but not with «body». Sergey Bulgakov believes that «flesh» is human nature in aspect of its unperfection, when it wait of completing by God’s delight. Transformed «flesh» is source of specific energy by way of relics of saints in religion consciousness. Author suggests that Bulgakov solution of «body–flesh» question is kind of «religious materialism», which opposes itself to depreceation of flesh by Plato, and ascetism of monofizytyzm in early Christianity as well. Author concludes that aesthetics of flesh which distresses and waits of uprising in Christianity withstands to aesthetics of beautiful body in Antiquity.


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