Psychological analysis of the conceptual model of value self-regulation of future teachers during their professional development



  • Igor M. Halyan G.S. Kostiuk Institute of Psychology at the National Academy of Educational Studies of Ukraine; 2, Pankovska str., Kiev, 01033, Ukraine


values, personalized meanings, self-regulation, model, subject, subjectivity, self-actualization, rational humanism


The article presents psychological analysis of the theoretical conceptual model of value self-regulation of future teachers, which is based on a subjective approach to the modeling of the self-regulation process. The author reveals real specifics of value self-regulation in the professional activities of future teachers by means ofthe analysis of the target, procedural, substantive and productive aspects of the process of meeting their needs for self-actualization. The focus is on its three components: content-psychological (determinants of value selfregulation: personalized meaning, individual characteristics of the subject and his mental state), sociopsychological (conditions for its implementation: the subjectivity of the personality, the situation and the sociocultural environment), and the structural and functional (components providing direct process of selfregulation: the motivational target component, the programming and the behavioral ones). The article indicatesthat all of them work as a holistic mechanism, determining, supporting and monitoring one another.

Author Biography

Igor M. Halyan, G.S. Kostiuk Institute of Psychology at the National Academy of Educational Studies of Ukraine; 2, Pankovska str., Kiev, 01033, Ukraine

D. in Psychology, Associate Professor,D. in Psychology


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