Essence and anthropological foundations of the state’s social function



  • Anton Valer’evich Sharkov Perm State University, 15, Bukirev st., Perm, 614990, Russia



state, social function, patrimonial essence, alienation, historical process, essential powers


In the scientific literature there is a growing interest in the anthropological and socio-philosophical problems of state development today. Russian and foreign scientists are increasingly turning to the notion of a social state, its problems and perspectives of existence. There is a reason to believe that in addressing issues related to the future of the social state and the problems of its development, philosophical thought should alsomake a contribution. The problem of state participation in the development of the social sphere and problems of the state’s realization of its social function, are developed by a number of fundamental and humanitarian sciences: social philosophy, state and law theory, history, sociology. Scientists set the task of describing and explaining significant changes in the role of the modern state in the management of public affairs (especially inthe social sphere). In this case, the task is solved by the researchers from different, sometimes opposing, theoretical and methodological positions. The essence of the state social function has been investigated engaging modern scientific theory of the historical process. The article contains a socio-philosophical substantiation of the state social function through the scientific theory of the historical process, which is based on the dialecticsof the patrimonial and individual essence of man. The author makes an attemt to reveal the anthropological foundations of the state and its social function through the philosophical conception of the human essence. The author’s definition of the social function of the state is given. The article presents definitions of the social function of the state in broad and narrow meanings. In a broad sense the social function of the state elaborates, corrects a similar function of social production, thus it smooths and alleviates alienation of the patrimonial essence of man. In a narrow sense, it is proposed to consider the social function as an activity of the state in the fields of education, health and social security. 

Author Biography

Anton Valer’evich Sharkov , Perm State University, 15, Bukirev st., Perm, 614990, Russia

Senior Lecturer of the Department of Philosophy


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