Creative inclusive practices of subjectivity formation: an approach to conceptual substantiation

Philosophy «Problematization of the human: an ongoing project» (special issue)


  • Natalia T. Popova Centre for children’s creativity «Strogino», 7/3, Stroginsky blvd., Moscow, 123592, Russia
  • Alexey Yu. Shemanov Moscow State University of Psychology and Education, 29, Sretenka st., Moscow, 127051, Russia



creative inclusion, the formation of subjectivity, the including community, «roundabout ways», Umwelt, symbolic forms of culture, levels of construction of movements, pre-expressiveness


The article is based on the experience of searching for «roundabout ways» of development for persons with mental disabilities to be able to enter the culture (L.S. Vygotsky). We substantiate the possibility of developing creative inclusive practices that contribute to the formation of the subjectivity of persons with mental disorders where subjectivity is considered as the ability for conscious purposeful intentional activity in conjunction with the supporting processes of mastering cultural ways of human activity (bodily-affective self-regulation, experiencing oneself and others, symbolic practices of mastering the body and emotions, etc.). Inclusion is seen as the development of a common language and cultural forms of interaction in an inclusive group, and not as a simple declaration of equal rights to social inclusion. The approach to the conceptual substantiation of the applied creative inclusive practices is based on rethinking of the biosemiotic concept of Umwelt (J. von Uexküll) in the light of the concept of human as a being that creates the symbolic world of culture as a sphere of his life and lays the foundations of his cultural subjectivity, developing his abilities for expressive movement (E. Cassirer). As a result, Umwelt appears as not just the surrounding world, whose biological significance is predetermined by the specific activity of a living being, but as a symbolic world of cultural meanings set by the symbolic activity of a person (based on the development of his/her expressive movement) within a group of people united for creative communication, with an integrated theater studio serving as a model of this symbolic world. The development of creative inclusive practices is based on N.A. Bernstein’s theory of construction of movements as the basis for ‘substitute ontogenesis’ and the formation of their own subjectivity and cultural symbolism in persons with mental disorders already at the pre-expressive (J. Grotowsky, E. Barba) stage of training.

Author Biographies

Natalia T. Popova, Centre for children’s creativity «Strogino», 7/3, Stroginsky blvd., Moscow, 123592, Russia

Head of the Sructural Unit of the Social-Creative Rehabilitation «Krug»

Alexey Yu. Shemanov, Moscow State University of Psychology and Education, 29, Sretenka st., Moscow, 127051, Russia

Doctor of Philosophy, Docent,Professor of the Department of Special Psychologyand Rehabilitology, Leading Researcher of the Scientific and Methodological Centerof the Institute for Inclusive Education Problems


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