Зарубежная историография о проблемах и перспективах применения геоинформационных систем в исторических исследованиях


  • V. N. Vladimirov Алтайский государственный университет
  • M. V. Rygalova Алтайский государственный университет

Ключевые слова:

ГИС, геоинформационные технологии, зарубежная историография, карта, источник, история


Рассматривается использование ГИС-технологий в исторических исследованиях и его отражение в зарубежной историографии. Выделены как сильные стороны геоинформационных систем (ГИС), так и сложности в их использовании: проблемы с представлением источников; отсутствие или неудовлетворительное состояние картографических материалов; неприятие ГИС некоторыми представителями исторического сообщества и др. Определяются перспективы этого направления, связанные, в частности, с использованием средств Интернета для распространения и обмена геоинформационными данными.

Биографии авторов

V. N. Vladimirov, Алтайский государственный университет

докт. ист. наук, проф. кафедры документоведения, архивоведения и исторической информатики Алтайского государственного университета

M. V. Rygalova, Алтайский государственный университет

асп. кафедры документоведения, архивоведения и исторической информатики Алтайского государственного университета

Библиографические ссылки

Библиографический список

Владимиров В.Н. Историческая география и картография в зеркале исторической информатики // Современное историческое сибиреведение XVII – начала XX вв. Барнаул, 2005а. С. 55–71.

Владимиров В.Н. История и география: пути взаимодействия // Вестник Новосибирского государственного университета. Сер.: История, филология. Т.4, вып.2: История. 2005б. С. 77–82.

Жуков А.Ю., Лялля Е.В. ГИС «Электронный каталог населенных мест Карелии XV–XXI вв.» // Уч. зап. Петрозаводского гос. ун-та. Сер.: Общественные и гуманитарные науки. 2010. № 7 (112). С. 7–15.

Канищев В.В., Кончаков Р.Б. Вопросы целесообразности при формировании историко-демографических и историко-экологических ГИС // Информ. бюл. Ассоциации «История и компьютер». 2010. № 36. С. 28–31.

Шредерс А.М., Лялля Е.В. Практика применения ГИС в историко-культурных исследованиях // Ист. информатика. 2012. №1. С. 72–79.

Alkhoven P. Digitizing cultural heritage collections: The importance of training // Humanities, Computers and Cultural Heritage Proceedings of the XVI international conference of the Association for History and Computing 14–17 September 2005. Amsterdam, 2005. P. 7–11.

Baten J. Economic Aspects of Automated Mapping at the Historian's Workbrench // Coordinates for Historical Maps. St. Katharinen, 1994. P. 146–155.

Beveridge A. Immigration, Ethnicity, and Race in Metropolitan New York, 1900–2000 // Past time, past place: GIS for history. Redlands, 2002. P. 65–77.

Bodenhamer D. History and GIS: Implications For The Discipline // Placing History: How Maps, Spatial Data and GIS Are Changing Historical Scholarship. Redlands, 2008. P. 219–234.

Boonstra, O., Breure L., Doorn P. Past, present and future of historical information science. Amsterdam, 2004. 130 p.

Buckland M., Lancaster L. Combining Place, Time, and Topic The Electronic Cultural Atlas Initiative // D-Lib Magazine. 2004. Vol. 10, №.5.

DeBats D., Gregory I. Introduction to Historical GIS and the Study of Urban History // Social Science History. 2011. Vol. 35, №. 4. Special Issue: Historical GIS and the Study of Urban History. P. 455–463.

Diamond E., Bodenhamer D. Race and the decline of mainline Protestantism in American cities: a GIS analysis of Indianapolis in the 1950s // History and computing. 2001.Vol. 13, №.1. Р. 25–44.

Doorn P. A Spatial Turn in History // GIM International. 2005. Vol. 19, is. 4. P. 40–43.

Goodchild M. Combining space and time: New potential for temporal GIS // Placing History: How maps, spatial data, and GIS are changing historical scholarship. Redlands, 2008. P. 179–198.

Gregory I. «A Map Is Just a Bad Graph» :Why Spatial Statistics Are Important in Historical GIS // Placing History: How Maps, Spatial Data, and GIS Are Changing Historical Scholarship. Redlands, 2008. P. 123–150.

Gregory I. Time-variant GIS Databases of Changing Historical Administrative Boundaries: A European Comparison // Transactions in GIS. 2002. № 6 (2). P. 161–178.

Gregory I., Healey R. Historical GIS: structuring, mapping and analysing geographies of the past // Progress in Human Geography. 2007. Vol. 31, № 5. P. 638–653.

Gregory I., Kemp K., Mostern R. Geographical Information and Historical Research: Current progress and future directions // History and Computing. 2001. Vol. 13. № 1. P. 7–22.

Gregory I., Schwartz R. National Historical Geographical Information System as a tool for historical research: Population and railways in Wales, 1841–1911 // Journal of Humanities and Arts Computing. 2009. No. 3. P. 143–162.

Gregory I.N., Southhall H. Mapping British Population History // Past time, past place: GIS for history. Redlands, 2002. P. 117–129.

International Dunhuag project (IDP). URL: http://idp.orientalstudies.ru/ (дата обращения: 11.04.2013).

Jessop M. Promoting cartographic heritage via digital resources on the Web. Интернет-журнал e-Perimetron. 2006. Vol. 1, №. 3. Р. 246–247. URL: http://www.e-perimetron.org/Vol_1_3/Jessop.pdf (дата обращения 19.05.2014).

Jessop M. The Application of a Geographical Information System to the Creation of a Cultural Heritage Digital Resource // Literary and Linguistic Computing. 2005. Vol. 20, №.1. P.74–90.

Johnson I. Mapping the humanities: the whole in Greater than the Sum of its Parts // Proceedings of Digital Resources for Research in the Humanities Conference. Sydney. Nov., 2001.

Knowles A.K. Emerging Trends in Historical GIS // Historical Geography. 2005. Vol. 33. Р. 7–13.

Knowles A.K. GIS and History // Placing History: How Maps, Spatial Data, and GIS Are Changing Historical Scholarship. 2008. P. 1–25.

Knowles A.K. Introduction // Social Science History. 2000. Vol. 24, №. 3. P. 451–470.

Knowles A.K., Hillier A. Preface // Placing History: How Maps, Spatial Data, and GIS Are Changing Historical Scholarship. Redlands, 2008. P. 13–17.

Lancaster L, Bodenhamer D. The Electronic Cultural Atlas Initiative and the North American Religion Atlas // Past time, past place: GIS for history. Redlands, 2002. P. 163–177.

Nadi S., Delavar M.R. Spatio-Temporal Modeling of Dynamic Phenomena in GIS.. URL: http://www.scangis.org/scangis2003/papers/11.pdf (дата обращения: 01.07.2013).

Ott T., Swiaczny F. The analisys of cultural landscape change: A GIS approach for handling spatio-temporal data // History and Computing. 1998. Vol. 10, №. 1–3. P. 37–49.

Schuurman N. Trouble in the heartland: GIS and its critics in the 1990s // Progress in Human Geography. 2000. №. 24 (4). P. 569–590.

Seguy I., Bernigaud N., Bringe A., Tzortzis S. A geographic information system for the study of past epidemics: The 1705 epidemic in Martigues (Bouches-du-Rhône, France) // Historical Studies on Mortality. Special Issue: Canadian Studies in Population. 2012. Vol. 39, №. 3–4. P. 107–122.

Siebert L. Using GIS to Document, Visualize and Interpret Tokio's Spatial History // Social Science History. 2000. Vol. 24. №. 3. P. 537–574.

The Perseus Catalog. URL: http://catalog.perseus.org/ (дата обращения: 11.04.2013).

Turner M. Towards an Agricultural Atlas of Ireland – 1850–1914. The Genesis of a Computer Cartographic Project // Coordinates for Historical Maps. St. Katharinen, 1994. P. 28–42.

Wilson A. TimeMap: integrating historical resources using GIS // History and computing. 2001. Vol. 13, №.1. Р. 45–70.


Vladimirov V.N. Istoricheskaya geografiya i kartografiya v zerkale istoricheskoy informatiki // Sovremennoe istoricheskoe sibirevedenie XVII – nachala XX vv. Barnaul, 2005 (1). S. 55–71.

Vladimirov V.N. Istoriya i geografiya: puti vzaimodeystviya // Vestnik NGU. Ser.: Istoriya, filologiya. T.4, vyp.2. Istoriya. Novosibirsk, 2005 (2). S. 77–82.

Zhukov A.Yu., Lyallya E.V. GIS «Elektronnyy katalog naselennykh mest Karelii XV–XXI vv.» // Uchenye zapiski Petrozavodskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. (Prodolzhenie zhurnala 1947–1975 gg.). Ser.: obshchestvennye i gumanitarnye nauki. 2010. № 7 (112). S. 7–15.

Kanishchev V.V., Konchakov R.B. Voprosy tselesoobraznosti pri formirovanii istoriko-demograficheskikh i istoriko-ekologicheskikh GIS // Informatsionnyy byulleten' Assotsiatsii «Istoriya i komp'yuter». 2010. № 36. S. 28–31.

Shreders A.M., Lyallya E.V. Praktika primeneniya GIS v istoriko-kul'turnykh issledovaniyakh // Istoricheskaya informatika. 2012. №1. S. 72–79.

Alkhoven P. Digitizing cultural heritage collections: The importance of training // Humanities, Computers and Cultural Heritage Proceedings of the XVI international conference of the Association for History and Computing 14–17 September 2005. Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences. Amsterdam, 2005. P. 7–11.

Baten J. Economic Aspects of Automated Mapping at the Historian's Workbrench // Coordinates for Historical Maps. St. Katharinen, 1994. P. 146–155.

Beveridge A. Immigration, Ethnicity, and Race in Metropolitan New York, 1900–2000 // Past time, past place: GIS for history. Redlands: ESRI Press, 2002. P. 65–77.

Bodenhamer D. History and GIS: Implications For The Discipline // Placing History: How Maps, Spatial Data, and GIS Are Changing Historical Scholarship. Redlands: ESRI Press, 2008. P. 219–234.

Boonstra, O., Breure L., Doorn P. Past, present and future of historical information science. Amsterdam. 2004. 130 p.

Buckland M., Lancaster L. Combining Place, Time, and Topic The Electronic Cultural Atlas Initiative // D-Lib Magazine. 2004. Vol. 10, №.5.

DeBats D., Gregory I. Introduction to Historical GIS and the Study of Urban History // Social Science History. 2011. Vol. 35, №. 4. Special Issue: Historical GIS and the Study of Urban History. P. 455–463.

Diamond E., Bodenhamer D. Race and the decline of mainline Protestantism in American cities: a GIS analysis of Indianapolis in the 1950s // History and computing. 2001.Vol. 13, №.1. R. 25–44.

Doorn P. A Spatial Turn in History // GIM International. 2005. Vol. 19, is. 4. P. 40–43.

Goodchild M. Combining space and time: New potential for temporal GIS // Placing History: How maps, spatial data, and GIS are changing historical scholarship. Redlands ESRI Press, 2008. P. 179–198.

Gregory I. «A Map Is Just a Bad Graph»: Why Spatial Statistics Are Important in Historical GIS // Placing History: How Maps, Spatial Data, and GIS Are Changing Historical Scholarship. Redlands: ESRI Press, 2008. P. 123–150.

Gregory I. Time-variant GIS Databases of Changing Historical Administrative Boundaries: A European Comparison // Transactions in GIS. 2002. № 6 (2). P. 161–178.

Gregory I., Healey R. Historical GIS: structuring, mapping and analysing geographies of the past // Progress in Human Geography. 2007. Vol. 31, № 5. P. 638–653.

Gregory I., Kemp K., Mostern R. Geographical Information and Historical Research: Current progress and future directions // History and Computing. 2001. Vol. 13. № 1. P. 7–22.

Gregory I., Schwartz R. National Historical Geographical Information System as a tool for historical research: Population and railways in Wales, 1841–1911 // Journal of Humanities and Arts Computing. 2009. No. 3. P. 143–162.

Gregory I.N., Southhall H. Mapping British Population History // Past time, past place: GIS for history. Redlands: ESRI Press, 2002. P. 117–129.

International Dunhuag project (IDP). URL: http://idp.orientalstudies.ru/ (data obrashcheniya: 11.04.2013).

Jessop M. Promoting cartographic heritage via digital resources on the Web. Internet-zhurnal e-Perimetron, 2006. Vol. 1. No. 3. R. 246-247. URL: http://www.e-perimetron.org/Vol_1_3/Jessop.pdf (data obrashcheniya 19.05.2014).

Jessop M. The Application of a Geographical Information System to the Creation of a Cultural Heritage Digital Resource // Literary and Linguistic Computing. 2005. Vol. 20, №.1. P.74–90.

Johnson I. Mapping the humanities: the whole in Greater than the Sum of its Parts // Proceedings of Digital Resources for Research in the Humanities Conference. Sydney. Nov, 2001.

Knowles A.K. Emerging Trends in Historical GIS // Historical Geography. 2005. Vol. 33. R. 7–13.

Knowles A.K. GIS and History // Placing History: How Maps, Spatial Data, and GIS Are Changing Historical Scholarship. 2008. P. 1–25.

Knowles A.K. Introduction // Social Science History. 2000. Vol. 24, №. 3. P. 451–470.

Knowles A.K., Hillier A. Preface // Placing History: How Maps, Spatial Data, and GIS Are Changing Historical Scholarship. Redlands: ESRI Press, 2008. P. 13–17.

Lancaster L, Bodenhamer D. The Electronic Cultural Atlas Initiative and the North American Religion Atlas // Past time, past place: GIS for history. Redlands: ESRI Press, 2002. P. 163–177.

Nadi S., Delavar M.R. Spatio-Temporal Modeling of Dynamic Phenomena in GIS. URL: http://www.scangis.org/scangis2003/papers/11.pdf (data obrashcheniya 01.07.2013).

Ott T., Swiaczny F. The analisys of cultural landscape change: A GIS approach for handling spatio-temporal data // History and Computing. – 1998. Vol. 10, №. 1-3. P. 37–49.

Schuurman N. Trouble in the heartland: GIS and its critics in the 1990s // Progress in Human Geography. 2000. No. 24 (4). P. 569–590.

Seguy I., Bernigaud N., Bringe A., Tzortzis S. A geographic information system for the study of past epidemics: The 1705 epidemic in Martigues (Bouches-du-Rhône, France) // Historical Studies on Mortality. Special Issue: Canadian Studies in Population. 2012. Vol. 39, №. 3–4. P. 107–122.

Siebert L. Using GIS to Document, Visualize and Interpret Tokio's Spatial History // Social Science History. 2000. Vol. 24. No. 3. P. 537–574.

The Perseus Catalog. URL: http://catalog.perseus.org/ (data obrashcheniya: 11.04.2013).

Turner M. Towards an Agricultural Atlas of Ireland – 1850–1914. The Genesis of a Computer Cartographic Project // Coordinates for Historical Maps. St. Katharinen, 1994. P. 28–42.

Wilson A. TimeMap: integrating historical resources using GIS // History and computing. 2001. Vol. 13, №.1. R. 45–70.




Как цитировать

Vladimirov, V. N., & Rygalova, M. V. (2020). Зарубежная историография о проблемах и перспективах применения геоинформационных систем в исторических исследованиях. ВЕСТНИК ПЕРМСКОГО УНИВЕРСИТЕТА. ИСТОРИЯ, 26(3), 99–106. извлечено от http://press.psu.ru/index.php/history/article/view/3592